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MESSAGE BOARD Archive December 2003Thank you for visiting! You can click here to add to Simon's Message Board.
Monday, December 29, 2003 -- 19:28:00 (EST) Name: Hoetker Family -- Email: nhoetker@mac.com Location: Champaign, IL USA Just dropping you a line to let you know that even though we don't write often we think of you all the time and check the website daily for updates. Andrew and Nicole ask after Simon and we're all hoping for continued good outcomes in the new year. Missing you, Nancy, Glenn, Andrew & Nicole Monday, December 29, 2003 -- 03:09:41 (EST) Name: Betsy -- Email: sundholm@umich.edu Location: Ann Arbor, MI Out of the blue you popped into my head, and I decided to check in on the website to see how things are going. I see you've moved! I read much, but not all, of the "What's Happening" archives from the last few months. I'm amazed by your family's strength and especially by Simon's maturity. One other thing stood out--your recounting of the surgery last July. It was insightful and touching. I'm not joking--you should submit that story to some magazines! I hope that everything goes very well for Simon in upcoming months. I'm considering a trip to Utah for Spring Break, to volunteer at an Animal Sanctuary in Kanab called "Best Friends." If I am able to make that happen, and if it's anywhere near you, perhaps we can meet for coffee and I can help out your family for a few hours. Happy Holidays! Sunday, December 28, 2003 -- 16:48:17 (EST) Name: Deborah Dobson Kage -- Email: kage@icw.com Location: slc, ut Also I have some good lotion for your dry skin if you'd like to give it a try. My number is 322-0634. Sending lots of good wishes-hope you're enjoying the snow. bye, Deborah Wednesday, December 24, 2003 -- 10:17:47 (EST) Name: Gerda Faulhammer -- Email: kurt.faulhammer@aon.at Location: Vienna, Austria Heute am Heiligen Abend haben wir uns s�mtliche Fortschritts-Bilder von Simon angesehen und freuen uns, dass es aufw�rts geht! Von Irmgard (Deiner Omi) haben wir erfahren, dass Dir das Schule-Gehen Spa� macht. So viele Kinder gibt es gar nicht, die das auch so empfinden. Vielen ist sie eher eine Last. Mach weiter so, Du lieber Gro�-Grp�-Cousin-Neffe - oder was immer Du zu mir bist! Auf alle F�lle w�nschen wir Dir hier aus Wien erst einmal ein sch�nes Weihnachtsfest und f�r das kommende Jahr, dass alle Deine W�nsche in Erf�llung gehen m�gen. Diese W�nsche gelten nat�rlich auch f�r Dein Schwesterchen und Deine Eltern. Alles Gute f�r Euch alle von Tante Gerda und Onkel Kurti aus Wien! Monday, December 22, 2003 -- 14:20:52 (EST) Name: The Burger Family Location: Ithaca, NY Just wanted to get a note off to let you know we're still here with you sending positive vibes, prayers, and general healthy thoughts your way. We're dealing with flu symptoms as I write this, so our holiday cards may be non-existent this year. Wishing you all the best! much love, Liza, Mike, Jolan and Jenna Sunday, December 21, 2003 -- 20:32:17 (EST) Name: Kris Hopkins -- Email: khopkins@mail.colgate.edu Location: Clinton, NY We're knocking on wood right and left at our house -- so far we've avoided pretty much every bug that's made its way through the school system. Frankly, if we can just get through Christmas intact, I'd even take a few sniffles after that -- but it's no fun to be sick *during* the holidays, so we're trying really hard to avoid that (taking our multi-vitamins, guzzling orange juice by the gallon, sucking extra vitamin-C lozenges, drinking lots of water -- anything we can think of to keep the bugs at bay! ;-). Hope you have a super holiday season, with just enough snow to call it a White Chritmas, but not so much that travel gets tricky. And we'll hope that in the New Year there will be some good treatment options and new information to take advantage of! Lots of warm, healthy wishes wafting over the winds to *all* of you! Love, Kris, Rob, Emily, Danny, and Laura Friday, December 19, 2003 -- 17:35:52 (EST) Name: Marta, Paul & Sam -- Email: manildi@millercanfield.com Location: Ann Arbor, Best, Marta, Paul & Sam Friday, December 19, 2003 -- 07:22:10 (EST) Name: Laura Taylor -- Email: ljtaylor@umich.edu Wishing you and yours a bright and happy holiday season. Your in my thoughts and prayers! Still doing ceremony for Simon and the rest of your family. Laura Friday, December 19, 2003 -- 04:33:14 (EST) Name: Lee Williams Thursday, December 18, 2003 -- 16:45:29 (EST) Name: Lawrie, Curt, Madi and Lexi Location: Seattle, WA We love you guys and miss you and we hope you have lots of fun for the holidays. A wish for the holidays "Be gone Cancer. . . be gone for good!" Mary and Marcus, We love and miss you too. We are struck by all that you know and by all that you research and learn about Simon's cancer, treatments, implications, effects etc. --all the choices (or lack of choices)and decision making you are faced with every step of the way. We can't really imagine what that is like --we just imagine it to be hard. Please know that we are with you in spirit as you face and figure out what the next steps/plans are for the moment, day, week, month, future. love you guys, Lawrie, Curt, Madi and Lexi Wednesday, December 17, 2003 -- 08:14:51 (EST) Name: Gari Stein Wednesday, December 17, 2003 -- 08:13:20 (EST) Name: Gari Stein Tuesday, December 16, 2003 -- 21:01:40 (EST) Name: Code_Blue_Dreamchaser -- Email: las071@yahoo.com Tuesday, December 16, 2003 -- 11:10:02 (EST) Name: Emma Mason -- Email: emason139@oberlin.net Location: Oberlin, Oh USA We continue to hold you and Simon in our prayers. We wish you a happy holiday season and a New Year filled with new therapies and much improved health for Simon. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily! Tuesday, December 16, 2003 -- 10:11:23 (EST) Name: Rebecca Cross -- Email: rebecc37cross@hotmail.com Location: Oberlin, OH We're sending you hopes for higher platelets AND our complete sympathy for your family flu problems. Emma, Schuyler & Randy all had it last week. (I got to be their nurse!) I wonder if you guys watched as many videos as we did ?;- ) Schuyler's gamma is visiting through Christmas; I think she plans on seeing your Gran while she's here. We sure missed you around Thanksgiving (thanks for the lovely card), and wish we could see you at Christmas. Something's just missing when you guys aren't around to enjoy the early snowfall with us. Have you been sledding, snowball fighting, or snowfort building? The kids & I took a long walk the other night and enjoyed all the Christmas lights and the quiet magic of the snow. Emma and I even made snow angels. (Schuyler was much more interested in using our backs for snowball target practice!) Are your stockings hung? And how big is your Christmas tree this year? We couldn't decide WHERE to put ours, so we're planning on getting two smaller trees. Hmm. I wonder if that means Ems & Schuyler will be expecting more presents! We send you all lots of love, hugs and Christmas cheer! toodle-oo, Rebecca & crew Thursday, December 11, 2003 -- 19:27:17 (EST) Name: Chanda & Jake -- Email: courtneychanda@yahoo.com Location: Charlotte, NC US of A Thursday, December 11, 2003 -- 14:51:04 (EST) Name: Helen Standing -- Email: helen.standing@dial.pipex.com Location: West Sussex, West Sussex England Yours sincerely Helen Standing PS I dont look at E-mail every day so if you reply I appologise for keeping you waiiting Wednesday, December 10, 2003 -- 15:29:42 (EST) Name: Gloria Location: , Indiana Tuesday, December 09, 2003 -- 15:35:46 (EST) Name: Jamie Hine -- Email: jhine@umich.edu Location: ann arbor, michigan usa Monday, December 08, 2003 -- 19:08:56 (EST) Name: Kyla Boyse -- Email: kylaboyse@comcast.net Location: Ann Arbor, MI We want to let you know we are keeping track of you on your website, and you remain in our thoughts and prayers every day. Simon, Victor wants to tell you that he was a Charizard for Halloween. I think Charizards are a kind of dragon. He had flashing red lights on his tail to look like fire. Do you still like Pokemon? Victor is saving up to buy the Rock Garden deck. We miss you guys! Much Love, from Kyla, Scott, Victor and Alita Monday, December 08, 2003 -- 16:16:50 (EST) Name: amy -- Email: asheon@umich.edu Location: ann arbor, mi I'm voting for door number three--spontaneous remission that's not exactly spontaneous but results from the energy generated by the collective good wishes from your many friends and loved ones....and perhaps continued action from the many treatments you've undertaken. Wishing all well... Saturday, December 06, 2003 -- 19:33:12 (EST) Name: scott Location: West Jordan, Utah United States of America sincerely Scott Thursday, December 04, 2003 -- 10:48:24 (EST) Name: Gari Stein Wednesday, December 03, 2003 -- 00:27:07 (EST) Name: Sally Location: Seattle, Monday, December 01, 2003 -- 01:12:03 (EST) Name: Lee Gilbert -- Email: gilbertly@aol.com Location: Columbus, OH USA I am an old friend of your mom's and your Aunt Julie. I saw your Aunt over the weekend and she told me quite a bit about you. I wanted to let you know that I'm out here praying for you, and your family. Please tell your mom that Lee Gilbert sends her love, hopes and prayers. Monday, December 01, 2003 -- 01:11:58 (EST) Name: Lee Gilbert -- Email: gilbertly@aol.com Location: Columbus, OH USA I am an old friend of your mom's and your Aunt Julie. I saw your Aunt over the weekend and she told me quite a bit about you. I wanted to let you know that I'm out here praying for you, and your family. Please tell your mom that Lee Gilbert sends her love, hopes and prayers. MESSAGE BOARD Archive
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