Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross/Etc/Etc Pages
Burnett/Turner/Via/Ross/Etc/Etc Pages
Notice -- as of September 9, 2000:
Our list has moved to Rootsweb, and you can subscribe to it by sending a message to either BTRVETC-L-request@rootsweb.com
(regular list) or BTRVETC-D-request@rootsweb.com (digest list) with the
word "subscribe" in the message body. Please note that if you have "Re" in the Subject line the server will think you are
trying to get my attention and won't do anything with your message.
Messages are supposed to be archived on Rootsweb, but I have not yet moved the old archives there.
Our Rootsweb web page is at BTRVETC Mailing
Here live the archives of the little (but growing - we now have about 240
subscribers!) mailing list for Burnetts and Turners, and the families that
married into them. These families lived in Virginia, South Carolina, and
Please note that I've reversed the listing of the compilations as
of December 27, 1997. Oldest ones are at the bottom, newest are at the
top of the listing. Please check the newer compilations first, as they
contain corrections to the previous files. Follow this link to get to the bottom of the page quickly.
New subscribers may want to get the zip file of compilations (2.3 Mb), or the zip file of the list
messages (687 Kb) once we moved to Rootsweb.
Other Sites To Visit
- Sink Family, a 500K text file from David Jones, Jr. which contains information on his Sink
families who lived mainly in the Franklin County, Virginia area who often cross over in the lists from Patrick, Henry and Bedford Counties.
- Pete Philpot's description of his GEDCOM,
which is stored online as a zip file in drucilla.zip. You will need pkunzip to
decompress the file. You can contact Pete about his GEDCOM at Chochojay@aol.com.
- Turner Data Files from
Anthony Turner
Turner Cemetery Records of Franklin County, Tennesee (link added
1/30/98) from Tessy McMillan.
- Descendants
of Elizabeth Turner, daughter of Shadrack Turner in Rich Text Format,
from Tessy McMillan, 1/31/98.
- Letter from
Edith Ratliff Gunn about the descendants of Elizabeth Turner and Samuel
Packwood. From Tessy McMillan. Link added 2/28/98.
Descendants of Jeremiah Turner in Rich Text Format, from Tessy
McMillan, 1/31/98.
Mailing Lists for Individual Surnames
Here are the compilations and a search form for them:
The Bible of James H. Hash & Sallie F. Thompson,
which includes INGRAMs.
- The images were sent by Eddie Vaden, evaden@home.com, who says that the Bible was
in the possession of Virginia Hash, who has since died. It is not known who owns the Bible now. The files are .jpg images,
and are almost 600K, and will take a while to download.
To Chris
Gaunt's Homepage
sent you to this page.
This page's URL is http://www-personal.umich.edu/~cgaunt/etc/etc.html
Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Christine Gaunt